September 1, 2017 deadline is the next deadline for the newly opened window for the Bridge Award Program for Non-Tenure Track Research Faculty (NTTF).
These funds are one-time monies available on a competitive basis to provide temporary salary and benefit support to sustain the gap in critical research programs in instances where the Principal Investigator (PI) has a hiatus in funding that would jeopardize the research, and where renewal of funding is expected in the near future.
Please visit the OAA information page for more details on the Bridge Award Program, including eligibility, application process, and deadlines.
Please note- this is a pilot project. As such, PSU-AAUP and OAA plan to make modifications as needed to make the program responsive to actual demand for the program. Even if you do not think you meet the stated criteria, we welcome your inquiry and application.
Deadline for submission is September 1, 2017.
The next deadline for submission will be December 1, 2017