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MOA on Access to Shared HR Data Subscription

March 29, 2018 / PSU-AAUP

In order to assist with bargaining over wages, PSU-AAUP has historically shared cost of the annual subscription to the College and University Professional Association for Human Resources (CUPA-HR) data on demand service with Administration. For the past 4 survey years, we have paid 20% of the cost.

For reasons unknown to PSU-AAUP, in 2017 our access privileges to all of the data was deleted, with exception of the faculty salary survey. In addition, Administration unilaterally raised our prorated share to 25%. The dollar-amount we paid, however, remained unchanged. PSU-AAUP believes that in 2017 we were, in fact, paying for the entire cost of the faculty survey, which was also provided to the same four other administrative units for their own purposes.

Our lack of access to the staff survey became a flash point for the Faculty Equity Task Force when HR representatives claimed that, not only did PSU-AAUP not have access to the staff surveys (required for the librarian salary comparisons), but that HR would not share those surveys with us.

PSU-AAUP was able to reconstruct the agreements about the CUPA-HR on demand service and provide Administration with invoices back to 2011 confirming the verbal agreement on the cost share. PSU-AAUP and administration executed this MOA to memorialize the agreement on March 21 in Labor Management Committee.

PSU-AAUP was, once again, granted access to all the surveys and we are able to complete our work on the faculty equity taskforce.

EF 3/28/2018

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