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Meet Tony Lewis

February 23, 2019 / PSU-AAUP

Meet Tony Lewis

My name is Anthony "Tony" Lewis.  I’m an academic adviser who joined PSU and PSU-AAUP way back in December 2010.  I’ve been actively involved with our union for the duration of my time at PSU, first as a regular member and, since 2013, as a Unit Rep for my department.  More recently, I served on the PSU-AAUP Bargaining Team assisting in the negotiation of the implementation of the Advising Redesign.  Being active in our union has always been somewhat of a “no-brainer” for me.  It seems obvious to me that a collective voice is always stronger than an individual voice.  The importance of our union is reinforced to me every time I share an AAUP victory with friends and colleagues working for employers without a union presence.  I also appreciate the strong and authentic community that PSU-AAUP provides for its members.

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