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Macau Scholar Says He Lost His Job Over Pro-Democracy Activism

August 19, 2014 / PSU-AAUP

New York Times
August 18th, 2014

An academic at the University of Macau says that he believes that his contract was not renewed because of his political activism, raising concerns about academic freedom in the Chinese territory.

Bill Chou Kwok-ping, an associate professor of political science, has been a vocal proponent of increased democratization in Macau, a former Portuguese colony. In July, he was elected vice president of the New Macau Association, one of the territory’s leading pro-democracy organizations.

The university began investigating Professor Chou last year, and in June, it announced that it was suspending him for 24 days without pay over complaints that he attempted to impose his political beliefs on students, failed to provide different perspectives in class and discriminated against students.

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