The PSU faculty has issues!
As the process of bargaining a new contract for faculty approaches, the PSU chapter of the American Association of University Professors (PSU-AAUP) wants to let the PSU administration understand how important progress on impediments to being able to provide high quality, accessible, public higher education is to its membership. On Tuesday, March 12, the union will deliver an oversized letter to the office of President Wim Wiewel containing the contract articles to be opened in the first round of negotiations this spring, addressing these issues.
PSU-AAUP is concerned about uncompetitive take-home pay; short-term contracts that prevent stable student-faculty relationships; inadequate support for teaching, research and professional development; faculty and student retention and several other issues that affect the quality of education PSU students receive. Members of the AAUP, including the union’s executive and bargaining committees, will meet in the South Park Blocks outside the Smith Center at noon on March 12, and then walk the letter to President Wiewel’s office at the Market Center Building.
Join Us!
Tuesday, March 12 at noon
Park Blocks outside of SMSU
Wear your PSU-AAUP red t-shirt!!