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Layoff in IELP

December 11, 2017 / PSU-AAUP

We reported on December 7 our progress on bargainng the effects of the anticipated layoff in IELP, and on October 20 that reductions were imminent. 

We have not yet received a response to the information request submitted November 27 where we asked for the seniority list. 

On December 8 we were advised that five members were given their notice of termination effective June 15, 2017. The University advised that all the positions in IELP were considered equivalent positions pursuant to Article 18 Section 2, and the five members with the lowest time is service at the University were given notices. The commencement dates for the five members were Winter 2012, Winter 2012, Winter 2012, Spring 2012, Fall 2015. Four of the five members were on continuous appointment, and one (Fall 2015) was on a fixed term appointment.

We hope to resolve the MOA on the effects of the layoff very soon.

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