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Information Resources Available from AAUP

August 29, 2017 / PSU-AAUP

National AAUP makes available a comprehensive library of resources that may be of interest.

Each semester, National AAUP offers webinars about topics of interest to faculty, ranging from the nuts and bolts of what should be in a faculty handbook to threats to academic freedom in the Trump era. You can watch recordings of past webinars here. Our first webinar of the fall semester will focus on digital organizing/issue organizing, and we’ll send you an e-mail when the date is set. 

 Many of the resources below require an AAUP member password and website login. Forgot your password?

 In response to political events in the past year, AAUP has developed FAQs on the following topics:

AAUP also offers informational resources on a variety of topics of interest to faculty and other academic professionals:

All AAUP members receive a subscription to Academe Magazine; this is delivered electronically. or you can opt in to the print edition.

AAUP also offer insurance programs, described here

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