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In Transparency Lawsuits, The University of Wisconsin Ends Up On The losing Side

March 19, 2018 / PSU-AAUP

WUWM Milwaukee Public Media
By Joy Powers
March 13, 2018

It's Sunshine Week, and that's not a crack about the weather.  The annual event is an effort led by news organizations, that seeks to inform people about their right to access public information.  It's a right that has had many enemies - both historically and currently - but it's also a right that has endured many tests.

As a young journalist in Madison, David Pritchard found himself testing the strength of this right.  Pritchard is now a journalism professor at UW-Milwaukee, but in the 1970s he was on the opposing side of the state's university system when he sued UW-Madison for access to public records.

Read the full article at the WUWM website here.

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