SEIU 503 Local
by SEIU503
October 9, 2019
The recent tentative agreement between the classified staff at Oregon’s seven state universities and management is a massive milestone in improving our higher education for both students and employees. After years of miniscule cost of living adjustments we finally were able to start filling the financial gap that has affected thousands of staff. This was only possible because of the months of hard campaigning that members across the state committed to, but also because of the community and labor partners that we had.
The faculty on campus became some of our most committed supporters, with members from the American Federation of Teachers and the American Association of University Professors joining with the classified staff. They experience similar problems at universities where administrative salaries are prioritized over the people who work directly with students.
“The administration needs you. They need all of you, and that’s your power. To stand together and support each other. And we are going to stand with you and support you,” says Darrell Ross, who has been a professor at OSU for twenty-nine years. “we need to stand together as one community.”
Read the full article that includes a shout out to AAUP for supporting!