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House Finance Committee Passes HB 64 Without Anti-Faculty Union Provisions

April 21, 2015 / PSU-AAUP

Ohio Conference
April 21st, 2015

Thanks in large part to the activism of our members and allies, the House Finance Committee passed Sub. HB 64 this evening without the language that would have stripped faculty of their collective bargaining rights.

The synopsis of the omnibus amendments can be found by clicking here.

The bill is slated to be voted upon by the full House of Representatives on Wednesday.

We cannot thank those of you who took action enough for helping to flood the representatives' offices with calls and e-mails. It made a difference!

In addition, we thank the House Democratic Caucus, in particular, Minority Leader Fred Strahorn, Rep. Denise Driehaus (Ranking Minority Member on Finance), and Rep. Dan Ramos (Ranking Minority Member on Finance Higher Education Subcommittee).

Without our legislative allies drawing a line in the sand on this issue, we couldn't have been successful.

Of course, we greet this development with cautious optimism. There is a chance that this language could reappear in the Senate. We will be diligent as the budget process continues to unfold.

Stay tuned for more information. And great work. We couldn't have done it without YOU.

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