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HECC hires Dr. Veronica Dujon to lead university academic planning and policy

September 18, 2015 / PSU-AAUP

Higher Education Coordinating Commission
September 18th, 2015

The Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) is pleased to announce the hiring of Dr. Veronica Dujon as director for academic planning and policy for the HECC Office of University Coordination. Dr. Dujon will lead the Commission’s efforts to coordinate academic programs, degree pathways, and student success initiatives among Oregon’s public universities.

Joining the HECC from Portland State University (PSU), Dr. Dujon currently serves as associate dean in Humanities & Social Sciences, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, a position focused on strategic leadership and management of personnel and academic issues for a PSU division comprised of 15 departments and centers. Previously, she served as associate dean for Curriculum Development & Enrollment Management in the same college, chair of the Department of Sociology, professor, and other positions serving the PSU students and community since 1995.

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