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Promoting Quality Higher Education– An Investment in Oregon’s Future


Follow the Money

February 06, 2015 / PSU-AAUP

Inside Higher Ed
February 6th, 2015

Lots of colleges and universities acknowledge troublesome -- if relatively small -- gaps in pay among men and women professors, and among white and minority professors. But it’s a hard thing to study and address, given the many variables and competing theories involved. So a new, comprehensive study of tenure-line faculty salaries at the University of California at Berkeley -- along with an administrative pledge to close revealed gaps -- is getting a lot of attention.

“There is so much goodwill on our campus -- what we were missing was information,” said Janet Broughton, vice provost for faculty at Berkeley and chair of the joint administration-Academic Senate committee that conducted the study. “Now that we have it, I think we will be able to move forward in many ways, whether it’s helping a department chair build a culture that is richly inclusive or designing a salary program that can help us progress toward our equity ideals.”

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