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Final Notice Constitution Changes- Ballot opens November 23, 2020

November 16, 2020 / PSU-AAUP

On October 22 we advised that the Executive Council sought changes to the PSU-AAUP Constitution to add two officer positions--the Vice President for Communications (VP-COM), and the Vice President for Legislative and Political Action (VP-LEG). The required 15-day response period closed on Saturday November 7, after which several additional changes were made to the recommended Constitution changes.

On Thursday the Executive Council adopted the final Constitution for recommendation to the PSU-AAUP membership. As we advised on October 22, in accordance with Article IX of the Constitution, the ballot to accept the amendments and modifications will be sent to the membership on November 23. The ballot will be open for 15 days. The ballot requires 2/3 of the members voting to pass.

The following changes were made in the Constitution after the close of the response period:

  • We moved the Vice President for Communications and Public Relations (VP-COM) to the grouping of offices that are elected in the even years. This evens out the 15-member Executive Council as follows: 

Even Years

Odd Years

President Vice President for Academic Freedom and Grievance
Vice President for Collective Bargaining Vice President for Legislative and Political Action
Vice President for Membership and Organizing Secretary
Vice President for Communications and Public Relations Treasurer
Immediate Past President (if applicable) Councilor
Councilor Councilor
Councilor Councilor
  • We made minor clarifications in the language in Section 7 for responsibilities for Vice President for Communications and Public Relations (VP-COM) and Vice President for Legislative and Political Action (VP-LEG).
  •  We removed reference to previous amendments in header and move all amendments with changes of the Constitution to the end of document to have record of changes.

The Final Constitution recommended for adoption is here. 

Should you have any questions, let me know at

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