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Promoting Quality Higher Education– An Investment in Oregon’s Future


Faculty Equity Salary Increase Update

August 03, 2017 / PSU-AAUP

On June 1 we reported  the progress the workgroup made over the the previous seven months, and the hope that the workgroup might finish its work in early summer. Planned absences, and the retirement of Pam Hutchins have postponed our workgroup meeting until early September where we hope to catch up Pam's replacement (Nathan Kinkhammer) and resolve the outstanding issues.

One of the issues outstanding is the confirmation of CIP codes for the analysis with external comparators. The workgroup determined that the CIP code assignments by HR done in winter had numerous errors. HR is devising a way for PSU-AAUP members to confirm their CIP codes when they are back on contract so the comparators will be correct.

"CIP Code" stands for The Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP). CIP codes provides a taxonomic scheme that supports the accurate tracking and reporting of fields of study. We need CIP codes assigned to faculty to be accurate so they are compared to faculty members who are in the same discipline at our comparator institutions. This is easy in most disciplines, but is tricky when assigning CIP Codes to faculty members who do inter-disciplinary or multi-disciplinary work. 

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