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Faculty Equity Salary Increase Update Sep 8

September 08, 2017 / PSU-AAUP

We last reported about the faculty equity salary increase on August 3, 2017.

The faculty equity workgroup met on September 7 and identified the following remaining issues:

  1. What "top end " value to use in the COMP-A ratios established for NTTF internal and external equity increases
  2. What "top end" value to use in the model for tenured faculty that will factor length of service into the compression and inversion formula.
  3. How would CIP codes be processed that are missing data in our comparator set
  4. How would compression/inversion be benchmarked: internally or externally.
  5. Should we use 15-16 or 16-17 CUPA datasets (and age them accordingly)
  6. How long should the CIP Code verification window would remain open and what would be the notification process.
  7. a few other minor but important points.

CIP Code Verification to commence around October 1.

The next step in the process is CIP code verification. On or about October 1 faculty members will receive an email from HR asking them to confirm or request modification to the CIP code assignment for their position (CIP Code is explained in the August 3 update). The email will contain a link to an online form where they will be able to see the CIP code assignment for their position. If the faculty member agrees, they would indicate as such and the process for that position is done. If the faculty member does not agree, then they would indicate which CIP code they believe is more accurate for their position. That proposal would go to the Department Chair, who agrees or disagrees. If the department chair disagrees with the faculty member, both the department chair's and faculty member's proposals go to the Dean for final determination.

Once we have all CIP codes confirmed, we will be able to run the models. The above questions will be answered by that time, and HR will then be able to run the models. We do not yet have a timeline for when the increases would show up in paychecks for impacted employees. 

The comparator set, methologies for the models and the results will be fully explained based on the objective standards that were developed by the faculty equity workgroup in later communications once the above questions are answered. 

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