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Faculty Equity Increase Update October 23

October 20, 2017 / PSU-AAUP

We last reported on October 16  that the CIP Code validation deadline was extended to get the CIP Code validation process done. We trust that the remaining faculty members will ced the call- we have heard from many of them.

We discussed the loggerhead about methodology at length in Labor Management on October 18. Many of the problems we have had around understanding the problem have been due to data integrity issues. The data integrity issues are very important- until they are resolved, we are not able to run any of the models to assess the size of the problem. Until we can do that, it is impossible to know the results of any of the models.

We are in the process of addressing the CIP Code errors, which were a key contributor. There are, however, significant issues remain: spreadsheet formula and calculation errors; and incorrect assignment of current PSU Faculty salaries to CUPA HR deciles. We proposed that we bring in a graduate student in economics to help us with the calculation issues. Administration is considering this.

There remains the significant ideological issue around how to define compression/inversion. We reviewed the history of this conversation through the nine months the task force met- we spent approximately 5 sessions on this in Winter 2017 after we arrived at a comparator set of institutions for Portland State. We hope that the review of the history can help us get back to where the PSU-AAUP side believes we were in spring 2017.

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