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Executive Council recommends ratification of MOA on Advising Redesign

March 21, 2018 / PSU-AAUP

The PSU-AAUP Negotiating Team reached a tentative agreement on the Memorandum of Agreement(MOA) between PSU and PSU-AAUP, “Impact of the Implementation of the Academic and Career Advising Redesign.”

The PSU-AAUP Executive Council enthusiastically recommends ratification (a yes vote) of the (MOA).

The PSU-AAUP negotiating team, augmented to include academic advisers, engaged over the past months in a collaborative bargaining process with the PSU administration that secured robust input from our our members, and from academic advisers, about the impact of the implementation of the PSU academic and career advising system.
Our collective bargaining team, under the leadership of Vice President David Hansen, tentatively agreed to the MOA on March 14.
This MOA becomes an addendum to the 2016-19 Collective Bargaining Agreement, and per our PSU-AAUP Constitution, requires a full member ratification vote.
On March 15, the Executive Council of PSU-AAUP voted to endorse this MOA, and to present it to PSU-AAUP members for a ratification vote.

As with past elections and ratification votes, we will be using the online voting system. A ballot will be sent to members tomorrow by electionbuddy. The ballot will remain open through Spring Break and will close on Friday April 6, 2018 at 5pm.

Should you have any questions about the agreement or the election, please contact Phil Lesch.


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