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Executive Council Recommends Contract Ratification

April 11, 2014 / PSU-AAUP

Highlights of the Tentative Agreement appear below, followed by a brief Article-by-Article description.  You can review the complete agreement here.

(David Hansen has discovered errors in the calculations of a few of these salary minima; we will inform you when these are corrected.)

Highlights of the Tentative Agreement:
- Retains Threatened Contract Protections for P & T Guidelines, Past Practices
- Big Shift in Number, Predictability & Length of Fixed Term Contracts
- Compression Raises for APs - Increases Tied to Seniority
- Keeps Contract Protection for AP "Positions"
- Meaningful Planning for Academic Quality
- Cost of Living Increases 2.5% and 2.5%, Mid-Year as for Others on Campus
- 1.5% Across the Board Faculty Comparator Adjustment
- 8% Promotion Increases for Faculty
- Travel Fund Doubled, Faculty Enhancement Fund up 30%
- Pool for Salary Increases Tied to Post-Tenure Review
- Post Tenure Review Will NOT result in Discipline or Changed Job Description
- No Retaliation Against AAUP Members for Union Activity

Sadly, if you are affected by an increase in a salary minimum on the same date that a Cost of Living Adjustment occurs, you will receive the greater of the two, but not both.


Article 8:   Past Practices - Current Language, retaining Protection for Past Practices
                  (Unwritten Work Policies)

Article 14: Promotion & Tenure - Current Language, retaining Contract Protection
                  for Promotion & Tenure Guidelines

Article 16: Post-Tenure Review - procedure to be drafted by Faculty Senate, with
                  assurance that post-tenure review shall NOT result in discipline or changes                    in job description. Raises described in Article 30, below.

Article 17: Academic Professionals - Current Language, retaining AP job security
                  tied to the "position," not your "appointment"

Article 18: Fixed Term Faculty
                   Seniority, meaning eligibility for multi-year contracts,
                   after 4 years, down from 6 years. 

                  80% of eligible faculty on multi-year contracts, up from 45% - allocated by
                  seniority university-wide to the most senior fixed term faculty members

                   Instructors with multi-year contracts: 2 year contracts
                   Senior Instructors & all other titles: 3 year contracts

Article 19: Professional Development - Travel Fund Doubled to $500k,
                  Faculty Enhancement Grant Fund Increased 30% to $650k

Article 24: Working Conditions - Verbal Harassment Prohibited

Article 27: Progressive Sanctions - Ongoing Bargaining by Task Force

Article 30: Salary
                  Cost of Living Increases 2.5% each year, mid-year
                     (Jan1 for 12-month contracts, Feb 1 for 9-month contracts, '14 & '15)
                  Increases tied to Faculty Promotion = 8%
                  Across the Board Comparator Adjustment for Fixed Term & Tenure Line
                      Faculty 1.5%, Jan 1, 2015
                 Compression Adjustment for APs, July 1, 2014
                       People at PSU at least 3 years but < 6 years:  2%
                       People at PSU for 6 years but < 9 years: 3%
                       People at PSU for 9 or more years:  4%

                  All minima raised to $40k, Jan 1, 2014
                  Minima between $40k and $50k increase 3% Jan 1, 2014
                  Minima above $50 increase 2.75% annually
                  Compensation for new ranks to be fixed in interim bargaining

                  Salary Pool of 4% of Faculty up for Post-Tenure Review, to be allocated
                       as raises in manner to be determined by the Faculty Senate

Article 31: Insurance - We will continue to pay no more than 5% of health premiums

Article 34: Library Faculty Development Days - removed from contract at
                 request of PSU Librarians

Article 44: Term of Agreement - contract will expire Nov 30, 2015; previous Aug 31
                  date falls weeks before fall enrollment known & Admin willing to talk $$

Letter of Agreement on Academic Quality:
                   Representatives of PSU-AAUP, the Faculty Senate, PSUFA (part-time
                   faculty), ASPSU and Admin will craft a plan toward aspirational
                   comparators, aided by support fund for task force

Letter of Agreement on Paid Parental Leave & Work-Life Policies
                   Joint PSU-AAUP/Admin task force to consider proposals for paid parental
                   as available at U of O, and other work-life policies

Memorandum of Understanding: Summer Session - Admin to report to PSU-AAUP
                   and Faculty Senate on Summer Session 2012, 2013 & 2014, including
                   total budgets, number of courses and credits taught and contract status of
                   faculty teaching classes by department and unit.

No retaliation against any AAUP members for activity in contract campaign

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