From PSU-AAUP Nominating Committee (Matt Chorpenning, School of Social Work; Peter Kramer, Campus Rec; Harold McNaron, Office of Academic Innovation)
Your AAUP Nominating Committee is proud to present the following slate of candidates for 25-26 Executive Council. Shout out to everyone who has agreed to run! Also, if you or a colleague you know might want to run for one of these positions, it's not too late. There's more info below about how to be added to the ballot.
In accordance with PSU-AAUP Bylaw Section 1(b) the PSU-AAUP Nominating Committee has presented a slate of candidates to the Executive Council and the Executive Council has approved the slate. The Candidates for Election are:
VP for Grievances and Academic Freedom
- Bill Knight. Tenure Track Faculty. English
VP for Legislative and Political Action
- Karlyn Adams-Wiggins. Tenure Track Faculty. Psychology
Secretary (one position available)
- Andrew Santa Lucia. Non-Tenure Track Faculty. Architecture
- Kim Williams. Tenure Track Faculty. Politics and Global Affairs
- Ellis Hews. Non-Tenure Track Research Faculty. Institute on Aging
Councilor at Large (3 positions available) (alphabetical order):
- Trevino Brings Plenty. Academic Professional. Native American Student Services (Incumbent)
- Madeline Frisk. Academic Professional. Student Activities & Leadership Programs
- Jamie Jones. Non-Tenure Track Faculty. Public Health
- Elizabeth McMurtry. Academic Professional. Office of Academic Innovation
- Jacob Rose. Non-Tenure Track Research Faculty. Institute for Natural Resources
- Luis Vega. Academic Professional. Admissions
Details on each open position can be found here.
In addition to this slate, in accordance with PSU-AAUP Bylaws Section 1(c-e), any member of the Association may also petition for a place on the ballot to stand for election by filling out the 2025 Petition to Add a Nominee to the PSU-AAUP Executive Council Ballot and getting the signature of 10 PSU-AAUP members. Petitioners are encouraged to get the nominee to sign acceptance of the nomination on the form in the space provided. The petition requires an attached candidate statement (150 words maximum). The petition must be returned to the PSU-AAUP office by no later than March 15, 2025. Upon receipt, the nominating committee will confirm eligibility, willingness to stand for election, and willingness to serve in the position if elected.
On or about April 1, 2025 we will send out an email with all the submitted candidate statements. Please watch for, open, and read this email so you can be an informed voter. The online ElectionBuddy ballot will open on or about April 5 and close 15 days later on or about April 19th. Watch your email for this ballot.
Should you have any questions about the election or petitioning for nomination please let us know.