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Emerson Coll. LA Part-Time Faculty Seek to Join AAUP Represented Unit

October 30, 2015 / PSU-AAUP

The part-time faculty at Emerson College's Los Angeles center have requested voluntary recognition from the college to be added to an existing bargaining unit, represented by Affiliated Faculty of Emerson College-AAUP.  The following is the faculty bargaining unit currently recognized by Emerson College:  
All regular part-time teaching faculty employed during the academic year to teach at least one (1) course of no less than three (3) credits in the Day School or the Continuing Education Program at the College's Boston, Massachusetts campus, but excluding all full-time faculty, full-time faculty with fixed-term appointments, emeritus faculty, music lesson faculty, accompanists, graduate students, teaching assistants, academic deans, academic department chairs, administrators, staff employees, librarians, library employees, coaches, confidential employees, all other employees, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act.

If Emerson College rejects the request by its Los Angeles part-time faculty to be added to the existing unit, the union can seek to have those faculty members accreted through a grievance claiming that they are covered under the terms of the recognition clause in the collective bargaining agreement.  Alternatively, a unit clarification petition can be filed with the NLRB for a determination as to whether the Los Angeles part-time faculty should be included in or excluded from the existing unit.  Lastly, a representation petition can be filed for certification of a representative of a separate bargaining unit comprised of Emerson College part-time faculty in Los Angeles.

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