On July 13 we reported that PSU-AAUP filed a grievance on the elimination of free emeritus parking for members who are employed. The University agreed to put the matter in abeyance until the response to our information request was received.
We received the information request response this week, and the response confirmed there are current and former members of PSU-AAUP who are impacted. We won't know the total population of impacted people until after the commencement of the academic year, but the people who have been identified so far are enough to prosecute the grievance.
On August 2 we submitted the demand that the grievance be moved out of abeyance and that a meeting be scheduled as soon as possible pursuant to the Division A grievance procedure.
On August 3 PSU-AAUP received notification that the decision to charge emeritus faculty for parking was reversed and that the status quo would be maintained. Administration did advise, however, that they may want to change this is the future in which case they would notify us so the matter could be bargained.
On August 3 PSU-AAUP withdrew the Division A grievance.