The following bills are recommended to the PSU-AAUP Executive Council by the AAUP Oregon Legislative Committee and the PSU-AAUP Legislative Committee:
SB 851: Support
Relating to housing assistance for university students; declaring an emergency. Requires Higher Education Coordinating Commission to provide grants to nonprofits providing affordable housing to university students. Sponsored by Sen Gorsek
Rationale: SB 851 would offer public support to non-profit organizations who build housing for low-income students. This would lower barriers for underserved and struggling students to enroll and stay in college, and supports AAUP OR principles about expanding access to higher education.
SB 854: Support
Relating to higher education governance; declaring an emergency.
Changes composition of governing board for public universities. Sponsored by Rep Evans; Rep McLain; Sen Frederick
Rationale: SB 854 would change the composition of the Higher Education Coordinating Commission to include a number of stakeholder votes, allow for appeals to reach the HECC, and provides for stringent oversight measures of Board appointments and transparency. This bill aligns very strongly with a number of AAUP OR principles, including Board transparency and HECC voting rights for faculty, grad employees, and students.
Find all our positions and endorsements HERE.