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DUO Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for Administrative Users of Banner

May 10, 2019 / PSU-AAUP

Members have reached out with concern over a recent change to the login requirements for users of Administrative Banner. Effective May 29, these users, which includes a small subset of academic professionals, will have to establish Duo Two Factor Authentication for their PSU Single Sign-On (SSO) to continue to access Administrative Banner. Impacted users received an email about this on April 30. If you did not receive an email, this does not impact you. 

The concern is the apparent expectation that members be required to use their personal cell phone (or pager, for the one person in our unit who still uses a pager) for the authentication process. Members generally are not provided these devices by the employer, nor do they receive reimbursement for their own devices. Members were concerned that if they did not have or did not wish to use their own cell phone, they would be limited to sign on only from their desk where they have a landline and would preclude them from working remotely. 

PSU-AAUP was asked to look into the matter to determine if there was a new policy or working condition over which we needed to submit a Demand to Bargain. We were pleased to learn that OIT had contemplated this issue and made appropriate arrangements. 

Members who need 2FA to access Administrative Banner can call the OIT help desk to request a physical FOB that plugs into the USB port of their laptop that serves the same purposes. The FOBs are inexpensive, and they can be obtained with an index code. Questions about 2FA and the FOB should be directed to OIT. 

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