In the last week, units were told to cut 1.1% of their budgets. A hiring freeze remains in place. Units are struggling to staff their courses. We’re coming off a summer of furloughs and years of accumulated budget cuts. HRAC recently reported that pre-COVID, over 20% of PSU employees were housing insecure. PSU Administration continues to purport that further austerity measures are critical to keep the University afloat… and yet…
Did you know that in just-released 2019-20 actuals, PSU ended last year with a $17 million dollar surplus?!?
Did you know that PSU based the 2020-21 budget on the assumption that enrollment would drop by 3.5%, but that current Fall enrollment is only down by 2.8%, and Summer enrollment was actually up by 11.1%?
Are you as bothered as we are?
- Attend the Board of Trustees meeting today from noon-2pm, where President Percy will discuss “Financial Sustainability” [ Livestream | Agenda ]
- Attend the Faculty Senate meeting also today from 3p-5p, where President Percy, Provost Jeffords, and VP of Finance Kevin Reynolds will all speak [Livestream link to appear here at meeting start | Agenda | Meeting Materials ]
- Come to bargaining on Oct 9, 14, and 16, to support a non-austerity contract that prioritizes faculty, staff, and students. [ RSVP: Oct. 9 l Oct. 14 l Oct. 16 ]
Yet again, PSU is starting the year with a doom and gloom budget, calling for budget cuts across campus. But when the numbers are totaled at the end of the year, instead of deficits, PSU has ended up with a surplus in each of the last 6 years. It’s time for the budget pessimism to end, and for PSU to start prioritizing students, faculty, and staff.