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[Donated Sick Leave Bank] URGENT July 2017 Special Call for Donations

July 17, 2017 / PSU-AAUP

As many of you already know, a hard fought benefit we bargained for at recent contract negotiations was the Sick Leave Bank. We are all very well aware that many of our AAUP members have various health or family emergencies that require that they take a leave of absence from work. However, the resulting financial pressures from doing so are often great and leave our colleagues vulnerable. Therefore, we concluded that as a group of colleagues, we would all donate some of our earned sick leave to a "bank" and members with a qualifying event could draw from this bank when needed. 
It is a terrific benefit, but as you know, there was a bumpy roll out of the program. As I write this message, the problems with the program are being addressed by AAUP leadership, Human Resources and the Administration. By September 2017 we plan to have a clear and solid plan to address recent challenges our members have faced with the benefit and are confident that the program will run smoothly from then on out. You will hear from us as soon as we get those details finalized. 
However: as of July, the bank is empty and we have a few colleagues who have a need to access this bank. In order for us to fulfill our responsibilities to our colleagues, we are asking members to donate another three hours to the bank. I understand that we just had a recent special call this spring and some of you might be a bit frustrated with the program. However, our colleagues need us. Also: the problems will be addressed in two short months.  Let us finish out this bumpy year with one more donation and moving forward, know that we will not have these problems again. Inaugurating programs always comes with a few difficulties, right?  
Here are some of the details of the Sick Leave bank. Please print out this form and submit it to Human Resources as soon as possible. (Click here for instructions on how to fill out and submit the fillable form).  If you are not on campus, you can mail it, fax it or scan and e-mail to Karen Kraus / Senior Leaves Administrator:
Thank you again for your patience. I know your colleagues in need very much appreciate your support of this program. Know that the benefit is highly prized and will make a significant difference in the lives of our colleagues now and importantly, in the future. 
I hope you all have a happy and healthy summer. I also hope to see you at some of our PSU-AAUP socials coming soon.
Jennifer Kerns

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