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Donated Sick Leave Bank Update

January 06, 2017 / PSU-AAUP

The AAUP Donated Sick Leave Bank Committee met in Fall 2016 to review this new process that began in August 2016

Since August 2016  we have collected 2,670 hours from 271 members and have distributed 1139.38 hours to our members, serving 8 members in need.

This year AAUP and the PSU Administration started the Sick Leave system in August, as opposed to the October Open Enrollment period, as there was such a large and immediate need for this program. For this reason in this email we will try to clarify the process and give you the means to check on your status in the Sick Leave Bank.

In a normal year, each October during the annual Open Enrollment period, any eligible AAUP member can join the Sick Leave Bank by filling out the sick leave donation form provided by HR.

Once you are enrolled no action is needed during subsequent annual open enrollment periods to stay in the Sick Leave Bank. You may leave the sick leave bank by filling out the form again and requesting to leave.

Per our contract HR and AAUP can made additional calls for hours during the year  if the bank fund falls too low to meet the projected need.

Each time an additional call is made, if you are in the program and want to continue in the program, you must reply to the email request affirmatively. If you do not reply affirmatively, you will automatically be dropped from the sick leave bank. You can re-enroll, if you choose, at the next opportunity.

If you are not currently in the sick leave bank program when an additional call is made during the year, you can chose to enroll in the program by filling out the HR sick leave donation form .

Starting the program in August this year added a bit of wrinkle to the system. For those of you who joined the Sick Leave Bank in August it’s best to think of this as an “open enrollment period.” For that reason when an additional call was made in September you needed to respond affirmatively in order to remain in the system, and have an additional 3 hours taken from your personal sick leave. When the October 2016 Open Enrollment period happened you were automatically continued in the system, as per the contract.

To check your status in the Sick Leave Program you can do so in the PSU Banner System.  Just follow the instruction on this WORD document.

If you still have questions about your status please call HR at 503 725 4926 or

The AAUP Donated Sick Leave Bank Committee will continue to meet each quarter to monitor this new program. Please send any of you comments or questions to any of the member of the committee below.

The Committee: Kerry Gilbreth, Sarah Giles, Haley Holmes, Susan Reese, Robert Schroeder

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