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Promoting Quality Higher Education– An Investment in Oregon’s Future


[Donated Sick Leave bank] FILLABLE PDF Form Now available for enrollment. How to Use

March 23, 2017 / PSU-AAUP

You can now use this FILLABLE PDF form  to enroll.


Instructions for using this form:

1. Click on the link above

2. Click on the download button to download form to your computer (do not fill in form in your browser, it will not save)

3. Open the form in acrobat or acrobat reader (not your browser)

4. Fill out the employee information section.

5. Check the "Opt-in box."

6. Type Name and Date in the opt-in signature box.

7. Use SAVE AS to save the form to your desktop as "FirstName LastName Sick leave form March 22, 2017."

8. Send the saved form to Karen Kraus, Sr. Benefits Administrator: 

9. Keep the form "First Name Last Name Sick leave form March 22, 2017" on your desktop for your records.

10. Save the blank FILLABLE form for future use.

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