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[Donated Sick Leave Bank] Bargaining to change policy has begun

August 03, 2017 / PSU-AAUP

On July 17 we advised we would begin bargaining in early August. That session was yesterday. PSU-AAUP took all the input we received from listening sessions, and emails about the donated sick leave bank and compiled a comprehensive proposal of changes. the PSU-AAUP proposal is here. 

The basics of what we proposed:

  1. Opt out rather than opt in program
  2. October 1 implementation with October 1 buy-in from all bargaining unit members
  3. People who do not want to stay in the bank would need to opt out by October 31.
  4. New employees would be enrolled on the bank on the first of the month after their 45th day of employment- this gives them the time they need to earn the sick leave to enroll.
  5. There would be an initial buy in of seven (7) hours. If the bank runs dry before the next Oct 1, then the sick leave committee can impose an assessment of up to an additional six hours on participating members (in two hour increments). The total maximum contribution requirement per year would be 13 hours.
  6. If the bank runs dry after the assessments but before the next Oct 1, the we would do a special call for three (3) hours which would be voluntary. Based on the response to the special call, the committee would address the shortfall with benefit changes.
  7. The benefit will be 30 calendar days or 20 working days for the first period, and then 30 calendar days or 20 working days for the extension. The intention in bargaining was that this be a calendar month benefit that could be extended for another month.
  8. We've identified the specific information the committee needs on an ongoing basis to run the bank.
  9. Requirements for being able to withdraw from the bank remain the same. 
  10. All members who have been negatively impacted from the bank running dry in June will be made whole.

There is considerable conceptual alignment with administration on the changes. We are not sure of what implementation obstacles exist. Administration will review the proposal with a specific eye toward implementation issues and bring them back to the table. We are doodling now for a follow up negotiating session.

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