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Copyright Ownership Policy Bargaining Update Jan 03

January 04, 2018 / PSU-AAUP

We last reported on September 26 that we had submitted a counter proposal to the Administration's proposal for the copyright ownership policy. We scheduled a meeting for January 3 to hear the administration's response to that proposal and pick up where we left off, but critical stakeholder's to those talks were not present. We need to reschedule the meeting.

The administration did advise, however, that there were generally three components of the PSU-AAUP proposal that they were struggling with:

  1. The process for faculty to obtain permission from other faculty to use their materials
  2. Whether the matter could be, or should be arbitrable since a copyright violation would likely be a conflict between two faculty members, and
  3. They are not comfortable with the entire policy in Article 20 (which we proposed in our proposed MOA) as it has components that deal with other employees who are not PSU-AAUP members.

We expect the follow up meeting to be scheduled in January.

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