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Copyright Ownership Policy Bargaining Update

August 03, 2017 / PSU-AAUP

We reported on May 16 about the Demand to Bargain over the Copyright Ownership policy, and on July 31 that we received a revised policy draft after the public notice period closed.

We commenced bargaining yesterday with the submission of a MOU that would found the agreed upon Copyright Ownership policy into CBA Article 20- Intellectual Property, and made proposed changes to the copyright ownership policy in line with the comments we made in the May 16 report, and other issues identified by the Negotiating team. The substantive interests we've identified are:

  1. preservation of ownership rights of faculty creator(s) and author(s) 
  2. agreements around property interests should be deliberate, formal, and recognizable as contracts
  3. preservation of control of use by faculty creator(s) and author(s); shared use of course materials between faculty members include the permission of the author
  4. academic professionals who act as faculty (as defined in the policy) have the same copyright ownership rights as faculty
  5. a dispute resolution process that is fair, unbiased, and appropriate given the inclusion of the process in the CBA
  6. that the progression of dispute resolution from informal to formal involve new people, not the same people party to the informal process.

The Proposal we submitted is here.

Administration will provide a counter proposal. We are currently doodling for a date to continue bargaining.

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