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Confronting PSU Foundation’s gambling habit: Editorial Agenda 2016

May 04, 2016 / PSU-AAUP

The Oregonian
By The Oregonian Editorial Board
May 3, 2016


Now that Portland State University Foundation has made its third six-figure campaign contribution to a proposed tax measure, the nonprofit might consider answering one question for donors: Just how much more of their money does it intend to wager?

Unfortunately, the charitable foundation, which provides money for student scholarships, faculty compensation and other needs, has been less than clear. "Any additional gifts will be decided by the PSU Foundation board," Sara Case, the foundation's stewardship and communications director, told The Oregonian/OregonLive editorial board in an email, calling such donations an "investment." In other words, the $375,000 in contributions it has already made since February might not be the last.

The campaign seeks voter approval of a proposed payroll tax on businesses in a tri-county service area that would raise $35 million to $40 million a year for PSU to spend on scholarships and other expenses. All businesses in the region should pay, the campaign logic goes, because they benefit from having a well-trained workforce.

See the full article.

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