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Condolences to former Chapter President John Daily

October 25, 2017 / PSU-AAUP

We recently learned that John Daily, former faculty member in the Department of Math and Statistics, passed away last week.

John was on the negotiating team for the PSU-AAUP collective bargaining agreement (CBA) in 1985-87—PSU-AAUP's 4th CBA. The most notable part of that agreement was the MOU in which PSU-AAUP and University Administration agreed that the percentage of courses taught by tenured-related appointments would not be reduced. Both parties agreed this was in the best interest of the University. 

John went on to become President of PSU-AAUP from 1984-1986, and signed the 1987-89 CBA as PSU-AAUP President. The most notable addition to the 1987-89 CBA was the inclusion of language about merit increases. We believe this was the first merit increase language of any PSU-AAUP CBA. 

Please take a moment to consider John's service and how his work as a PSU-AAUP leader has contributed to the Association becoming what it is today. 


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