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Promoting Quality Higher Education– An Investment in Oregon’s Future


Can we do anything to save graduate education from the new tax law

November 28, 2017 / PSU-AAUP

The tax bill passed by the U.S. House of Representatives threatens to devastate graduate education by reclassifying tuition waivers as taxable income--a move that, if it becomes law, would result in an untenable financial burden for many graduate students. It would also repeal the current Student Loan Interest Deduction, resulting in an increased cost of roughly $24 billion to student borrowers over the next decade. The Senate is pushing to pass its version of a tax plan, possibly as soon as this week.

You can help stop these provisions from becoming law. National AAUP asks that we do three things to protect graduate education:

  1. Support the grad tax walkout, which will occur tomorrow, Wednesday November 29, at 1pm Eastern time, 10am Pacific time. Download a sign and hang it on your campus, walk out, or tweet your support using the hashtag #SaveGradEd. Find out more about the walkout!
  2. Share AAUP’s Facebook post.
  3. Call 855-980-2350 to be patched through to your senator and tell them you oppose taxing tuition waivers for grad students.

If the bill passes the Senate, the two chambers will then need to resolve any differences and pass a final bill before year's end. Most provisions of the bill, if passed this year, are scheduled to take effect January 1st.

EF 11/28/2017

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