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Promoting Quality Higher Education– An Investment in Oregon’s Future


CALL TO ACTION. Board of Trustees meeting tomorrow.

June 10, 2015 / PSU-AAUP


The Board of Trustees will meet on Thursday, June 11th from noon to 5pm at University Place. The agenda is big, and there are two points that you need to know about:

1) Arming of campus security
The Board will make the final decision about arming the security officers on our campus. In an ASPSU press release, President Dana Ghazi urges the Board to postpone the vote, stating that "Students cannot afford to have this implementation plan rushed to a vote during final exams week." The PSU Student Union asks us to attend Thursday’s Board meetingsign up for public comment; and STAND with students (not sit) during their demonstration, if possible. Please wear your AAUP t-shirt.

2) A sabbatical year for President Wiewel?
The President's three-year contract is also on the agenda, and I ask that you take a look at it. He is not asking for a raise (a good public relations move), but he is asking for a sabbatical in the last year of his contract with 100% salary and a return to campus after sabbatical at .50 FTE. This is completely against Oregon Administrative Rules. Please see my letter to the Board about this.


We need to stand with students. These back door decisions and 11th hour maneuvers do not move us toward higher education that is student-centered, educator-led and debt-free.

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