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Call for Nominations for the 2020 PSU-AAUP Executive Council

January 21, 2020 / PSU-AAUP

From: PSU-AAUP Nominations Committee

Our union depends on the efforts of volunteers to:

  • support the bargaining team with contract action;

  • support the efforts of classified staff, part-time faculty, and students in advocating for themselves and a high quality, affordable education;

  • voice the concerns of PSU faculty– including NTTF, Academic Professionals, and Tenure-related Faculty– to members of the PSU Administration, the Oregon Legislature, the press, and the community; and

  • have a good time doing it.


We’ll be electing people to serve from May 1, 2020 to April 30, 2022 in the following positions (1 of the councilor at large positions is for a one-year term ending April 30, 2021):

  • President

  • Vice President for Collective Bargaining

  • Vice President for Membership and Organizing

  • Councilor At Large (5 positions- 4 positions for 2-year terms, 1 position for a one-year term)


The PSU-AAUP Executive Council meets each Thursday during the term from 12:00 to 1:30 pm. We strive to have an Executive Council that represents a mix of Academic Professionals, Non-Tenure Track Faculty, Research Faculty, and Tenure-related Faculty.

PSU-AAUP members may nominate themselves or nominate any PSU-AAUP member who is interested in serving.

Colleagues to run for an PSU-AAUP officer position should keep in mind the following requirements and expectations associated with holding office and how they fit with their other anticipated commitments during their term in office:

  • Maintain active PSU-AAUP membership status, which requires being a dues paying member of the bargaining unit (Constitution, Article II; By Law 8)
  • Be available for a two year commitment (Constitution, Article IV)   (One of the at large positions on the ballot is for a one-year term. Elected at-large counselors will decide who will take the one-year position)
  • Not be anticipating an extended leave during the term of office, including sabbatical leave (Association Bylaws, 8).
  • Be available to attend weekly meetings of the Executive Council, Thursdays 12:00-1:30 during the Academic Year (weekly meetings are suspended during Summer term, but one meeting in July and August may be scheduled as need arises. Conflicts that emerge on individual days can be accommodated.
  • For the Councilor at Large positions, it is common for councilors to contribute additional time to Association governance work beyond the time at EC meetings (approximately 1-2 hours per week)


Nominations should include:

  • name and contact information of the nominee
  • a ballot statement (submitted either by the candidate or a supporting member) of no more than 150 words.


Nominees will have the opportunity to expand on their nominations with an optional candidate statement that will be solicited after the nomination period has ended.

Nominations should be sent via email to Nominating Committee Members Anita Bright (, Kellie Gallagher (, Karen Kennedy (, and PSU-AAUP Executive Director, Phil Lesch ( The Committee will review each nominee’s membership status and willingness to serve. We expect the vote to begin on or about March 1st.  

Please send your nominations to the Nominating Committee by February 3, 2020.


Should you have any questions about the Association or the open positions, you can contact any of the current executive council members, or Executive Director Phil Lesch.

We look forward to hearing from you!


Anita Bright, Kellie Gallagher, Karen Kennedy

PSU-AAUP Nominating Committee



Descriptions of Executive Council Positions (please click on links for extended position descriptions):


Office of President

The President is the key elected officer of the Association. The position is normally provided 1/3 release time to facilitate the performance of duties for the Association. The position is defined in the PSU-AAUP Constitution as follows: 

"The President shall call meetings of the Executive Council and the Chapter and preside at those meetings. The President shall be responsible for implementing and administering decisions of the Chapter and the Executive Council and shall have such other duties as may be assigned by the Executive Council. The President and his or her designated alternate shall serve as spokesperson for the Chapter. He or she or an alternate designated by the Executive Council shall represent the Chapter at national and regional AAUP meetings."


Office of Vice President for Collective Bargaining

The Vice President of Collective Bargaining is the chief spokesperson and strategist in bargaining of the Association. The position is normally provided 1/3 release time to facilitate the performance of duties for the Association. The position is defined in the PSU-AAUP Constitution as follows:

"The Vice President for Collective Bargaining shall be responsible for the coordination of activities of the Chapter for collective bargaining. He or she shall serve, ex-officio, on the Unit Representative Committee and on standing or ad-hoc committees on salaries, workloads, and other matters subject to contract negotiation. 


Office of Vice President for Membership and Organizing 

The Vice President for Membership and Organizing shall primarily be responsible for building and maintaining the membership of the chapter through internal organizing. He or she shall serve ex-officio as Chair of the Unit Representative Committee.  


Councilors At Large (5 positions open- 4 positions with a two-year term. 1 position with a one-year term)

Councilors At Large are not officers of the Association and these elected positions do not include release time. Councilors at Large actively participate in Executive Council meetings, read and respond to Association-related emails, and participate in Executive Council decisions. Most, however, assume other duties on behalf of the Executive Council such has leading caucus meetings, chairing the Legislative or Communications Committees, or represent PSU-AAUP in off campus venues. 

New Councilors are expected to attend a 2-hour new councilor orientation with the Executive Director in April 2018. The Executive Council normally meets for full-day planning retreats at the end of spring term and at the beginning of fall term. The Council also holds one meeting in July and one in August. Between meetings, Councilors are expected to be available via email for discussion and voting.

All Executive Council positions are invited to participate in organizing.

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