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Busy Week for the Negotiating Team

July 31, 2017 / PSU-AAUP

Its a busy week for the Negotiating Team. The team met in caucus on Monday to finalize details of its formal response to the new Copyright Policy. We reported on May 16 that the University promulgated a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would significantly change the Intellectual Property Rights of PSU-AAUP Bargaining unit members. We submitted a demand to bargain, and on June 21 the University promulgated a revised Copyright Right Ownership policy. As you can see from this redline copy, most of PSU-AAUP's concerns were ignored in the new draft. We go to the table on the policy on Wednesday, where we will discuss the matters identified in our initial comments, as well as a few other issues we're concerned about. These are: simultaneous use of a faculty author's course materials by adjuncts without permission; creating more protections for student employees who teach classes in a way similar to PSU-AAUP instructional faculty; and the way archived course materials can be used in the future.

The Negotiating team caucuses tomorrow to prepare for Advising Redesign Implementation bargaining.

Wednesday is the four hour bargaining session. We will hear a proposal from Margaret Everett for Faculty Led Study Abroad Programs; come up with a draft for modifications for the donated sick leave bank; tackle initial logistics for bargaining the six framework questions under IBB for the Advising Redesign Implementation; and start the discussion on the Copyright Ownership policy. If you have free time and want to watch, we'll be in MCB 651 University Conference Room from 12:00 to 4:00. 

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