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Bargaining Updates - August 2024

August 19, 2024 / PSU-AAUP

Over the course of three bargaining sessions, the number of members observing has increased significantly from 52, and then 57, to 86 members. This growing level of member participation strengthens our bargaining position. Let’s continue building momentum by RSVPing and showing up with your coworkers at our next session on August 22nd

PSU-AAUP is engaging in Interest Based Bargaining instead of Positional Bargaining. Watch this video from Bryan Lally, PSU-AAUP’s Executive Director of Contract Enforcement and Bargaining, describing the difference between the two. If you’re able, we recommend watching this video prior to observing bargaining.

The bargaining team has dived into workload protections, retirement incentives, the layoff process, strengthening the tuition benefit for laid-off employees, and equitable release time for AAUP service. You can follow updates on the PSU-AAUP blog and in real time on our chat thread on Slack (must be an AAUP Member to be on Slack - please check your inboxes for the invite link).

RSVP to our next bargaining session:

RSVP here
When: Aug 22, 2024 08:30 AM-4:30pm
RMNC 316
Topic: PSU/AAUP Interest-Based Bargaining Session

If you can’t make it in person, please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: 804917
You can save the date (with Zoom link included) HERE

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