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Promoting Quality Higher Education– An Investment in Oregon’s Future



April 17, 2015 / PSU-AAUP


Wednesday May 6, noon, Park Blocks

At this rally and march, we’ll launch our campaign for another strong contract in 2015-2017. We’ll be tackling issues such as fair compensation and professional development, with a goal of making sure that PSU is a great place for academics to stay and grow.

But it’s about more than us. Better working conditions for educators, researchers and academic professionals mean that 28,000 students get a better education. Our allies at the adjunct union (PSUFA) agree. At this joint rally, we’ll celebrate the start of negotiations for both AAUP and PSUFA. We’re teaming up to imagine higher education that’s student-centered, educator-led and debt-free. Plus, we’ll have free cupcakes.

Our bargaining team cannot be alone in their message. We need members to stand with the bargaining team, and help us ensure that administrators are paying attention.

Please RSVP by replying to this email. We need volunteers of all sorts! (taking photos, posting fliers, etc) If you’re willing to help, please email Emily.

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