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Association reiterates request to implement SB 214

October 31, 2017 / PSU-AAUP

We last reported on July 20 that we had formally asked the administration to implement SB 214. We wanted to share that we reiterated that request again in Labor Management committee on October 26.

PSU-AAUP believes that implementation of SB 214 should involve the following process:

  1. convening of a meeting of stakeholders to include PSU-AAUP, RSP leadership, Faculty Senate leadership, and OAA Leadership to map the process of implementation.
  2. The ad hoc group group in #1 request that the faculty senate develop a "formal mentorship" program that meets the requirements of the statute, that:
    1. is set forth in writing,
    2. is a template that can be adopted by faculty members interesting in employing post doctoral scholars, and
    3. teaches professional research skills needed for a post doctoral scholar to pursue their anticipated career path, and
    4. meets the requirements necessary for the funding of sponsored research projects that include funding for post-doctoral scholars, and
    5. has a maximum duration of five (5) years.
  3. The faculty senate adopt the post-doctoral mentorship program.
  4. RSP create an institutional structure to manage the post-doctoral scholarship program to:
    1. provide a way for Principal Investigators to apply and receive approval to hire post-doctoral scholars, and 
    2. ensure post-doctoral scholars make progress in the formal mentorship program, and that that progress is tracked, and
    3. ensure no post-doctoral scholar is hired where the conditions for post-doctoral scholar employment have not been met, and 
    4. ensure post-doctoral scholars are supported in their transition to regular positions at Portland State as appropriate, or in their transition to other institutions, and 
    5. ensure no post-doctoral scholar is employed in that position for more than the time alloted for the position, and 
    6. maximize research funding for grants where funds are available for post doctoral scholars
  5. Administration and PSU-AAUP agree:
    1. that post-doctoral scholars will be represented by PSU-AAUP.
    2. on specific terms and conditions of employment for post-doctoral scholars.

We have requested the first step- the stakeholder meeting. 

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