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APs have asked: Is an inclement weather day a day off from work?

February 15, 2017 / PSU-AAUP

A day where the University is closed is not a day off.

In the last round of bargaining, the PSU-AAUP Negotiating team was able to negotiate University closure days as regular days of work. AAUP members who can work at home are expected to work; to do what they can from their home or remote location, without having a telecommuting agreement on file with the University. 

This also means that if an employee is not able to work, for whatever reason, they will not be penalized, or expected to take a vacation day, for not working.

Academic Professionals have asked if they can convert a vacation day to an "Inclement Weather Day" when the University is closed.  There is no such thing as an "Inclement Weather Day," and an AP cannot convert a vacation day to a work day if they didn't work.

There has been no change, however,  in the ability of an AP to change a vacation day to a work day, or to cancel vacation at the AP's discretion if they choose to cancel their vacation to work on a vacation day. If an AP needs to cancel a vacation day to work they should coordinate and get approval for that change from their supervisor.

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