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Agreement Reached on Effects of the elimination

February 27, 2017 / PSU-AAUP

In early Fall we reported that the Graduate School of Education eliminated its Grant Coordinator/Proposal Editor position. PSU-AAUP  filed a grievance on behalf of the impacted academic professional, and submitted a demand to bargain  regarding the effects of the decision, which deal mostly with the impact that the lost position will have on GSE Faculty members.

After numerous negotiating sessions on Febraury 24 PSU-AAUP and the University signed an MOU that provides for the following:

  • the former occupant (Twila Nesky) of the GSE Grant Coordinator/Proposal Editor position will have the right of first refusal on all contracts for the work formerly done in the position through June 13, 2018.
  • the former occupant (Twila Nesky) will have recall rights to the position, if the decision to eliminate the position is reversed, until June 13, 2018
  • GSE commits to providing appropriate support to faculty whose letters of appointment contain requirements to submit applications for grant funding
  • The University shall provide a report to PSU-AAUP on or about April 1, 2017 advising how the work from the position was actually distributed.
  • If an AAUP instructional or research bargaining unit member believes that the elimination of the position has created an excessive or unreasonable workload, they can have the Executive Director bring the matter to the Labor Management committee.
  • If an Academic professional believes the elimination of the positon created an excessive or unreasonable workload, they can follow the process in Article 17 Section 10.

Many GSE faculty members reached out to AAUP during this process to express concern about the elimination of the position. Through this MOU, GSE faculty have a mechanism to bring the position back- they can ask for contracts for the work. If enough requests for this work are presented to the Dean, there stands a good chance that the position could be reinstated.

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