AAUP Final Offer:
Workload of laid off members - if a member is laid off, their workload cannot be distributed to other employees or contractors
Recall - After a member is laid off, if PSU creates a position that is responsible for the same duties as the laid-off member’s former position, or if such a vacancy is recruited for, the laid-off member shall be recalled to that position.
Shared governance
Administration must engage in shared governance process prior to laying off members, when layoffs are based on changes to curriculum or program needs
COLA - 5.75% in year 1, remaining years COLA determined by the Consumer Price Index (CPI), minimum of 1.75% and a maximum of 3.5%
Compression, Inversion & Equity (CIE) - $455,000 annually for TT, $225,000 for NTTF, $225,000 for APs
AP Reassignment Salary Increase - $2,619 for 9-month employees and $3,188 for 12-month employees in Year 2, increased by COLA rate in remaining years
AP Advancement - APs receive $800 every year if they receive an evaluation rating of satisfactory or bette
PSU Administration Final Offer:
Workload of laid off members - current language, administration is arguably free to give workload to other faculty members, adjuncts or contractors
Recall - Current language, in order to be recalled, same position must be created and administration must reverse the previous layoff decision.
Shared governance
Administration currently believes that no shared governance must be engaged in when laying members off due to change in curriculum or program needs.
COLA - 3.25 in year 1, CPI in remaining three years, minimum of 1.75%, maximum of 3.5%. One-time $500 payment upon ratification.
CIE - $445,000 annually for TT, $225,000 for NTTF, $225,000 for APs
AP Reassignment - $2,477 for 9-month employees and $3,015 for 12-month employees in Year 2, increased by COLA rate in remaining years
AP Advancement - APs receive $1,800 every four years, if they receive an evaluation rating of satisfactory or better