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Academe missing PSU data

April 28, 2015 / PSU-AAUP

Many members have expressed alarm that Portland State University is missing from the Faculty Compensation survey in the May/June issue of Academe.

We, too, were alarmed  when we learned about it two weeks ago. We reached out immediately to PSU administrators. They advised that the survey fell through the cracks with the disassembly of the Chancellors office, and PSU was committed to continuing to participate in the survey.

The survey was immediately assigned to the PSU Office of Institutional Research and Planning (OIRP), and completion of the survey was given high priority.

The final deadline to submit the data to make the May-June Academe was, however, too tight. OIRP submitted 4 of the 5 sections on Tuesday April 22, and they were planning on submitting the last section by today.

AAUP Academe staff have advised that the data, once approved, will appear in the July/August issue of Academe, and anyone who orders a peer compensation report or complete dataset will have the PSU data included.

If this changes we'll let you know.

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