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AAUP Takes Illinois to Task in Report on Salaita Case

April 28, 2015 / PSU-AAUP

The Chronicle of Higher Education
April 28th, 2015

The University of Illinois violated principles of academic freedom in withdrawing a tenured faculty appointment to Steven G. Salaita over his harsh criticisms of Israel, the American Association of University Professors argues in a report released on Tuesday.

The university denied Mr. Salaita the due-process rights that his tenured status should have afforded him, and also violated widely accepted standards for academic governance by not letting relevant faculty and administrative bodies weigh in on his fate there, the report says. It says the university’s stated reasons for rescinding his appointment — concern that his inflammatory Twitter posts about Israel betrayed a lack of civility and portended his potential mistreatment of Jewish students — "have cast a pall of uncertainty over the degree to which academic freedom is understood and respected" at the Urbana-Champaign campus.

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