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Promoting Quality Higher Education– An Investment in Oregon’s Future


AAUP-Oregon supports legislative movement to fund higher education

May 05, 2017 / PSU-AAUP

AAUP-OREGON supports legislative movement to fund education

The American Association of University Professors (AAUP-Oregon), representing over 3400 faculty and academic professionals at 10 public and private universities, supports Speaker Tina Kotek and Reps. Nancy Nathanson and Phil Barnhart's leadership in finding a permanent solution to the endless funding crisis impacting education in Oregon.
There is no reason for K-12 schools to suffer budget cuts and universities to hike tuition by double digits in today’s strong economy. Our class sizes have risen to the third largest. Anyone who has been in an overcrowded Oregon classroom knows all too well the funding crisis our state is facing. For two decades, school districts and universities have made deep cuts that have hurt students and our workforce. We need to look elsewhere to solve the problem.
Only 6.3% of Oregon’s General Fund comes from corporate tax receipts, the lowest share of any state in the nation. It is unfair that families and individuals shoulder the responsibility for funding Oregon’s great public endeavors, from roads and parks to foster care for children, and schools, colleges, and universities. A correction in the corporate tax rate will benefit everyone in our state and help put Oregon on par with the rest of the country, creating a healthier, better-educated workforce without hurting taxpayers or businesses. Oregon’s current funding model, if continued, will further harm Oregon’s already struggling K-12 and higher education systems.
AAUP-Oregon applauds the effort to rethink the corporate tax structure and to lead the way to a permanent solution that will benefit all of Oregon, not just the interests of a few wealthy corporations. Oregon citizens--and students in particular--are deserving of a new strategy that puts Oregon’s future first. AAUP-Oregon will continue to support lawmakers who can find a forward-funding strategy for Oregon and not waste time looking for more “cuts” in the state’s budget. Today we request nonpartisan leadership to help business leaders get beyond the “just say no” mentality.

It is time to put Oregon first, not corporate campaign contributors. Supporting our common public endeavors, including schools, universities, and students should be our legislature’s default priority, not an afterthought. 

Look for emails on how you can help support a sustainable revenue stream that will allow for investments in the people of Oregon.

“Our thoughts today, and our deliberations to come, must spring from our determination to keep Oregon lovable and to make it even more livable." – Tom McCall, Address to the 1973 Legislature

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