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AAUP Executive Council Elections Results and Caucus Dates

March 20, 2015 / PSU-AAUP

Election Results
The ballot for the election of councilors to the Executive Council of PSU-AAUP opened Sunday March 1, 2015 at 9am. The link to the online ballot was be sent to you by on March 1. As required by PSU-AAUP bylaws, the ballot was open for 15 days and closed on Sunday March 15 at 5pm. Please welcome the newly elected Executive Council:

Vice President for Grievances: Jose Padin
Secretary: Ted Donlan
Treasurer: Eva Nunez
Councilors at Large: Gary Brodowicz, Karen Kennedy, and Ron Narode

More information about the results can be found by clicking here

Upcoming Caucuses:

    Tenure Track caucus. April 14, 12-1pm. SMSU 294. Lunch Provided.
    NTTF caucus. April 22, 12-1pm. SMSU 298. Lunch Provided. 
    Academic Professional Caucus. April 29, 12-1pm. SMSU 327/8. Lunch Provided.
    Make-up Caucus. April 29, 4-5pm. SMSU 327. Lunch provided.

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