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AAUP Calls Travel Ban on New York U. Professor ‘Troubling’

March 19, 2015 / PSU-AAUP

The Chronicle of Higher Education
March 19th, 2015

The American Association of University Professors says it is “deeply troubled” that a New York University professor, Andrew Ross, was denied entry to the United Arab Emirates on Sunday, according to a statement released on Thursday. Mr. Ross has been a vocal critic of the treatment of migrant laborers who built the university’s campus in Abu Dhabi, the emirates’ capital.

In its statement, the AAUP says the denial has “ominous implications” for academic freedom at the branch campus. “The AAUP urges the administration of NYU to make every effort to get the ban on Professor Ross lifted and, should such efforts fail, to work with its faculty to reconsider its role in the emirate,” the statement goes on to say.

In a column for The Chronicle on Wednesday, Mr. Ross agreed that academic freedom on the campus could suffer as a result of his experience this week. “Faculty and students may think twice about expressing their thoughts and opinions on a whole range of topics, but especially on the conditions of the migrants who represent up to 90 percent of the U.A.E. work force,” he wrote. “That would be sad.”

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