My View: Protect health care for working Oregonians
Portland Tribune
By Janet Bauer
The health care financing package enacted by the 2017 Legislature was a smart move. A 'yes' vote on Ballot Measure 101 will protect health care for hundreds of thousands of working- and middle-class Oregonians.
Many more Oregonians are now able to see a doctor when they need to, compared to the situation just a few years back. Health insurance coverage is at an all-time high. Hundreds if thousands of working- and middle-class Oregonians have gained coverage, thanks to our state's work to make health insurance available to everyone.
Unfortunately, there is a political effort afoot in Oregon that would unravel this progress. The threat to the health coverage of middle-class and working Oregonians is the defeat of Ballot Measure 101, to come before voters in January.
Read the full article at the Portland Tribune website here.