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What It Took to Resolve a Federal Sexual-Assault Investigation at UVa

March 04, 2016 / PSU-AAUP

When efforts to resolve a federal investigation into how the University of Virginia handled reports of sexual violence began in earnest last spring, campus officials were corresponding with a lawyer in a U.S. Department of Education field office. By the time the case was resolved in September, tense legal wrangling had reached the highest levels of the university, the state, and the federal agency. read more >


Session 30: Conceptual Agreement reached on AP Workload and Terms of Employment

February 23, 2016 / PSU-AAUP

In our Friday, February 19th bargaining session, we reached a tentative agreement on AP Workload and Terms of Employment issues. Those of you who have been closely following this negotiation know that we’ve spent hours going back and forth with the administrative team about what full-time employment means for academic professionals. read more >


Can I Mentor African-American Faculty?

February 17, 2016 / PSU-AAUP

You don’t need to be a person of color to mentor a colleague of color, writes Kerry Ann Rockquemore, but you do need to rethink what it means to be a mentor. read more >


Session 29: Finding the balance on AP Issues

February 16, 2016 / PSU-AAUP

Balance. It’s a delicate, yet crucial part of bargaining. In a bargaining unit like ours that is made-up of diverse constituencies, we strive to find balance in the gains we make for each group. read more >


Scalia and Higher Ed

February 15, 2016 / PSU-AAUP

Justice's death may not change outcome on affirmative action, which he opposed. His record includes key votes and dissents on issues of black colleges, hate speech, single-sex public higher education and church-state line. read more >


The Improvisational President

February 08, 2016 / PSU-AAUP

"We were able to predict college success by watching a video just as well as we did with transcripts and test scores." read more >


Session 28: Ironing Out AP Issues

February 05, 2016 / PSU-AAUP

We had a number of outstanding AP issues (workload, scheduling, weather closures and terms of employment) left to discuss, but we had already generated possible solutions to many of these issues in previous sessions. We started the day off by looking at the options that were currently on the table. After we went over these options, we went into a caucus to consider them. read more >

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