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Layoff in the Office of Academic Innovation

September 23, 2014 / PSU-AAUP

We reached agreement in principle on the on this difficult grievance that should bring the most senior instructional designers back to work, and favorable monetary settlements for the other instructional designer and the Program Administrator 1. read more >


AAUP Grievance regarding SHAC Closure

July 03, 2014 / PSU-AAUP

This past winter 2013 SHAC leadership decided to close SHAC and force AAUP members to use vacation or unpaid leave December 24-27. This is the first time a unit of PSU made the decision to close independent of the University Closure policy read more >


AAUP Grievance Settlement- Communications Policy Changes October 2013

July 03, 2014 / PSU-AAUP

In October the University promulgated the PSU Communication Procedure requiring a new communications authorization reimbursement form.This new policy aggregated and altered the existing “Wireless Communication Policy and Allowance” and the “Broadband Internet Service Reimbursement Policy.” read more >

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